Portfolio Vol.2

Hey guys,

      Here's the Vol.2 that I have completed months ago. Something that I do personally love, in terms of the composition and graphics. Most of the graphics in this piece were done manually and then transferred into a digital format before printing. It took me weeks of research, just to understand the method of achieving a "messy yet in order" way of composing the information (to join the informal and formal together, yeah, or perhaps more different way to showcase architectural projects). I'm not sure if what I wished to do is achieved but the outcome of the hardcopy was great, please do enjoy the portfolio before continuing the article.

instagram: tommygingerized

      Unfortunately, the feedbacks for the Vol.2 didn't turn out as lovely as I've imagined. Before I start blasting you about the truth, take a pause, and enjoy the portfolio. Alright, one of the biggest criticism was on the fonts that I've drawn personally, for it being too overpowering and distracting. A critic said that I've spent too much time doing it graphically instead of focusing of the message that I should be showcasing, which I do agree. Second of all, was the missing puzzle of the design process. "It wasn't enough" due the fact that it was done in a more descriptive way instead of showing diagrams, like what we always do. Another shot was on my "so called site analysis". The critics mentioned that I've only shown pictures and words of the site, then again without diagrams.

      On the brighter side of the moon, the lady who printed the hardcopy told me that it was very graphical and fresh, unlike the conventional way of the architectural portfolio. She also asked if I love streetart, Yes darling, I do since I was a baby because I grew up vandalizing everything. Aiks.That was the least I think I do deserve for the "me" that I've injected into this portfolio.

      After a whole load of bullet holes on my chest, the conclusion was the lesson learnt. Remember to always focus on your ideas and the message that you would want the readers to see (through your eyes). And don't forget, DIAGRAMS, DIAGRAMS, DIAGRAMS! As you are reading, I am already preparing a Vol.3 for my university application and yes the previous portfolios were rejected several times by the universities. I'm working on it! Thank you for your time and I do appreciate the criticism for improvement.

p/s. Please do drop me another bomb like the critics if you have nothing better to do in life... hahh just kidding.