First Year Project : Belum Rainforest Pavilion

PROGRAMME : A boat pavilion
DESIGN INTENTION : To capture the glimpse behind the story of man-made beauty
SITE : Belum Rainforest Resort, Gerik, Perak, Malaysia
TUTOR : Ar. Eric Chang

        The site given was Belum Lake Resort, a part of the mountain being turned into a man-made lake. Surely, it has a breathtaking view as the resort is beautifully strategized. We were assigned to design a boat pavilion dedicating to the site. 
      With that said, I was inspired by wanting to know what is below all the eye catching scenery as I watched my friend pushing a bamboo vertically downwards and it seems to be bottomless. Tree trunks over a 100meters are still visible on the surface of the lake.
      In the beginining of the design stage, the I had the idea of exploration into the depths of the water, by using natural lighting that penetrates into the water making dead trees more visible. After numberuos design stages, I managed to push the expression of the whole idea and give it a deeper meaning.

The Pavalion
      Man-made beauty always requires sacrifaces. To achieve such attractive sighting, a deforestation process occured in order to turn it into a lake. A forest is a wonderland for animals, a home for living creates and a place ruled by the green. Imagine the situation when trees were taken out, a man-made lake was created, plenty of animals would not make it out alive as trees are being chopped and water being poured.

      The pavilion is to dedicate the dead, for such beauty they have given to us. I came out with a stairway down into the water camoflouging with bamboo rafts. As the visitor stands before entering into the stairway, a graceful view is spared as the mysterious vortex disguised as a water fall. The deeper the visitor steps into the pavalion the louder and the story of the idea gets clearer. Entering into a glass box, with water rushing from above triggers the expression of fear symbolising the death of the sacrificed. When the visitors managed to stay calm to understand the story, they will learn to appreciate what is given to them.