120 Hours Competition : Pyramiden Reversed Power Plant


Concept & Idea

Remembering and unlocking parts of our history are essential components of preservation. Men have long practice the harvest of resources and utilize it into energy. Pyramiden was once a coal mining town. The proposal initiates a hub which programs to preserve the culture practice of how Pyramiden citizen uses coal to generate electrical energy.

Svalbard is among the few areas in the world that sees the biggest impact of climate change due to global warming. With this proposal, excessive heat and carbon dioxide are extracted from the atmosphere and in return put into good use to produce energy and oxygen. This gives Pyramiden a new significance in maintaining the oxygen level of the surrounding which pushes Pyramiden as a part of awhole to the recent development of Svalbard as an international hub for climate research.

With tubes scattering around the wast land, it will function to absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. The absorbed carbon dioxide will then be channeled through underground pipes and connected to the center core of the hub to be broken down into oxygen and carbon. Varbon which is the primary element of coal is used in return to generate electrical energy, hence preserving the culture practice of Pyramiden. Excessive coal can also be used to push on the research of graphene. While the oxygen produced is then channeled back into the atmosphere.


/Form concept
With this proposal, Pyramiden Town is seen as a part of a whole as a climate research centre, the first impression of the form of the Hub is very crucial to visiting tourist. The shape of the hub and the transparency skin is designed to gives an impression of a droplet of melted ice on a cold environment. This gives rise to awareness of global warming in a poetic sense.

/Season change
During the winter, a transparent skin draws along the core stem of the hub sheltering Pyramiden Town from extreme weather. As hot air rises heat will be trapped within the hub, maintaining and ensuring comfortable temperature during cold season. Due to difference in temperature between the inside and the outside of the hub, natural phenomenon of condensation takes place on the exterior of the hub. Water droplets and snow will be collected in the middle of the core stem acting as a reservoir. However during summer, the skin retracts to allow sunlight to pour in. The collected water in the reservoir is distributed through the town and act as a cooling stem for the town.

 Official Announcement:

 Team members:
Lim Tian Jing
Soh Hui Xiang
Jason Ng Chi Kai

 p.s/ We were shortlisted top23 of 741 submissions! and we are really grateful! 
(Source: https://www.facebook.com/120HOURS/photos/ms.c.eJw9zskRAzAIA8COMhI3~;TcWBwc~;d8ShbDi9jBCw9ZPHhk5TJzi2ZiOjWnydfXJv5fPkYdfCGEv~_fX5AxFP2HscV65h73H3I7NveL04uvblNrmvqNTavmYesb1~_8vnc~_8fr~_8mrbPnb7TD~_HhhxbWq3j9KeRa722L~_8BRFI~-.bps.a.790491721022605.1073741833.123802874358163/790492164355894/?type=1&theater )